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Using Azure Active Directory as Identity Provider

Configuring Azure Active Directory

Hint - example configuration

The following configuration is an example of SealCC and DPF Tracker.

  1. Log on to the Azure portal and open Azure Active Directory.

  2. In App registrations, select New registration to create a new app.

    Azure Active Directory App registration

  3. Select a display name for the app and register it.

  4. In Authentication, select Add a platform and add a Web platform.

    Azure Active Directory add web app

  5. Add the redirect URIs with complete path and query parameters, e. g.

    • for SEALCC:
    • for DPF Tracker:
  6. In Certificates & secrets, create a new client secret.

    Azure Active Directory add secret

  7. In Token configuration, add the groups claim to the ID token.

    Azure Active Directory groups claim

  8. In API Permission, add the openid permission.

    Azure Active Directory API permissions

  9. In expose an API, add a scope.

    Azure Active Directory API permissions

  10. In Manifest, check the value of accessTokenAcceptedVersion. It has to be 2.

    Azure Active Directory API permissions

  11. In Overview, find a list of all necessary endpoint URIs.

    Azure Active Directory API permissions

  12. Configure your SEAL Systems applications with the corresponding end points and the created scope.

    • in the given example:


  13. Repeat the steps for any other client you whish to configure.

    For a list of currently available clients, see SEAL Clients.

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